Last week we had a little preview of summer holidays. Jack took the day off preschool, and Grandma Pat met us at the lake. Within half an hour of arriving, Jack and Beckett were soaked up to their armpits from playing in the water (I didn't think to bring swimming suits.) They loved it... I had to force them to get out of the water.
It is amazing what a change of scenery can do. The boys played outside for the
entire afteroon. No fighting, no whining, and only one incident of crazy-out-of-control running around the cabin "scream-giggling".
Pat and I were able to strip last year's wallpaper off the kitchen wall, and (almost) complete the new wallpaper! This is the design that Pat chose... I'll post before and after photos once the job is done.
Only one more week and we are officially on holidays... a whole week at the lake! We can't wait!