I haven’t had a bike since I was about 10. In fact, my last bike was a light blue “junior 10.” It was pretty cool. But not as cool as my new orange one!!! Wait until I get the basket for the front!
… hurry up, Mom…
… and… we’re off!!!
I know that this is the second “look at my amazing flowers” post this week. Whatevs. The boys and I had a colossal melt-down last night. (I had to put in the desperate call to my Mom & Dad to help me get the kids to bed!!! Thank GOODNESS they live so close.)
Anyways, one of the best things about my ‘80’s house is the perennial garden in the yard. Look at this gorgeousness… it totally cheered me up this morning:
**** UPDATE (10:36 am) ****
… while I was in my office posting this…
… luckily we have a ton of blossoms this year!
…and yes, it’s 10:36am, and those are still his jammies. He’s been known to wear them all day.
**** UPDATE (11:20 am) ****
Those little blue scissors just snipped off a chunk of my hair!!! While I was bent over cleaning juice off the floor. Oh well, he’s probably almost as qualified as I am to cut my hair. Thankfully, I’m scheduled for a proper hair cut tomorrow! Yay!
The next time you get the urge to cut yourself some ‘shorter’ bangs, please…
It almost never turns out well.
Case in point:
For the record… I blame this on Cynthia and Carolee for having really cute short bangs.
Guess where I am today??? I’m in the Netherlands!!! Well, kind of. I’m at Inrichting-Huis talking about my home and my style. Inrichting-Huis is a design blog by Manfung and Lydia, and is full of great inspiration. I featured Manfung and Lydia’s renovation here… and here are a couple more fun shots of their home:
both photos via Inrichting-Huis
OK… a quick disclaimer…
When you hop over to Inrichting-Huis to read my interview… keep in mind that Manfung interviewed me in English, then he translated it to Dutch, and then the google translator turns it back into English… and it ends up giving me some rather hilarious answers.
For example:
“free time” turns into “if I am away from my kids to walk” … ????
and “painted chevron rug and globe light” turns into “my dress and my world chevron painted chandelier”… ????
Kind of funny, right? It makes me more entertaining.
Thanks for featuring me today Manfung!
Today I’m guest posting over at one of my favourite blogs… My Little Happy Place!
I’m revealing my "H spot" - an item or area in my home that makes me happy on a daily basis. I don’t think you’ll guess what it is because it’s kind of new. So hop over and check it out!
*** And if you haven’t already read them… you have to go back and read Alison’s “He Said, She Said” posts… they are freaking hilarious! Start with this one.
From my garden… I pruned the heck out of my rose bushes last night because they were taking over my yard. So now I have a ton of these around the house:
ps… enter the RAMSIGN giveaway!
… I’d by this house! Seriously. I want this house. It’s in my neighbourhood. Usually I look at a listing, and the whole time I’m thinking stuff like… “this would have to go… that would have to be painted… new lighting, new window coverings… etc.” But this one??? I could move right in!!!
Isn’t it awesome??? The realtor is Dawn Foord, who also happens to own Sew & Home, one of my favourite stores in Saskatoon. I think she might have had something to do with the decorating…
There are a ton of pictures on the listing website.
Happy Friday everyone! You are going to love this before and after. It’s the Rotterdam apartment of Manfung and Lydia of Inrichting-Huis.
Dining Room:
Pretty amazing, right? I love how bright and white and open it is, with just the right amount of black.
A small detail to notice: if you look close, you can see that the lights each have different coloured cords. Isn’t that cool?
There are many more fabulous pictures at Inrichting-Huis. You should go see them!
Thank-you Manfung for letting me share these!