The Red Dress

OK... I think I'm crazy for even attempting this after the sweater fiasco... but I decided to sew myself a Christmas party dress!  When I was cleaning a couple weeks ago, I just happened to find some beautiful red silk fabric that my mother in law brought home from Thailand for me.  I had stored the fabric in a safe place, and forgotten all about it!

Jeff pretty much begged me NOT to try this.  He's getting annoyed with the number of unfinished projects around here.  Plus, since I've only ever really sewn home decor projects, this may be a bit over my head.  Oh well, as if that has ever stopped me!

So the pressure is on.  I'm planning to wear it to Jeff's work party on Friday.  I have a history of people asking me when I'm "due" at his work things.  The classic example, from about 5 years ago (and yes, I'm still traumatized by it):
Jeff's boss's wife:  "You look great!  How many months along are you???"
Me:  "Umm... zero."
AWKWARD!!!  There is really no graceful way to get out of that conversation.  And I should know... it's happened to me three different times!!!   

So the bottom line is, the dress better fit like a glove and leave no doubt that I am not pregnant.  Ideally I'll look super hot appropriate and classy.  Just sayin.