OMG... I've been tagged with the Stylish Blogger Award TWICE this week! Wow... now I have some work to do!
A shout out to two fabulous bloggers for thinking of me...
Ashley @ A {Blonde's} DIY Life
Cassie @ re Use * re Invent * re Design
Share 7 things about myself... yikes! What would anyone want to know about me??? This is tricky... but here we go...
1. I like to say 'holy coconuts' because Beckett (my 3 year old) says it, and I think it's freakin' hilarious. I also like to say 'OMG', but I try to keep that in check because it embarrasses my husband.
2. I went on a health kick this spring and became vegan, and now most of my immediate family is on board
3. Nonetheless, my husband still eats steak sandwiches at work lunches. He received a grilling steak as a Christmas gift from a co-worker!
4. I like watching really mindless tv... like Big Brother and The Bachelor (Yay! New season just started!!! Michaela... we have to discuss!!!)
5. I'm known in my family for getting bad hair styles. The 'wiener bangs' was one of the more famous (and humiliating) looks. Thankfully, I grew my hair out last year, and it's looking pretty darn good if I do say so myself!
6. I'm an over-educated stay at home mom. (I have degrees in Engineering, Computer Science, and a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering... I know, nerdy!!!)
7. My dream is to have my own design business... stay tuned... "Carissa Erickson Interiors" is on my 'to do' list for 2011!
Pass the award on to 10 more bloggers:
Lovin' That!
A Chi Chi Affair
Pagoda Press
{EL}iving {CE}oncept
Desire to Decorate
Jax Does Design
Things That Sparkle
Name 5 Things
*** Ooops... I guess I should post the award 'rules'...
1. Link to the person who 'awarded' you
2. Post 7 facts about yourself
3. Pass along to 10 more bloggers