I pvr’d the Royal Wedding on Thursday night. First thing Friday morning I tried to get my two boys excited about watching the wedding with me. The idea of seeing a ‘real princess’ captured their collective attention for approximately two milliseconds. 1 pillow fight, 2 shouting matches, and 1 bonked head later, I gave up and turned it off.
Luckily, Care and her boys showed up for a visit. We sent the 4 boys to the basement to play, made a pot of tea, and settled in to watch. Both Carolee and I sat there with big dorky grins and loved every minute of it! (Well… not EVERY minute. We zipped through the boring parts – thank you pvr.) Here are the parts that I want to remember:
Kate in her breathtaking Alexander McQueen gown:
Harry whispering “…wait till you see her…” to William, with the cutest grin as Kate walked up the aisle:
William whispering “You look beautiful” to Kate as she arrives at the altar (omg, so sweet):
Harry in the kids carriage:
Pippa looking fabulous (read this… ha!) as the maid of honor:
The balcony kiss:
Carolee and I shrieked/cringed/laughed when we saw it. We had to rewind it a couple of times partly because it was so quick, and we were like, THAT’S IT??? And partly to watch them grin and blush afterwards. We both agreed that they should have practiced more. But then again, the kiss looks perfect in all of the photos I’ve seen, so maybe they knew what they were doing after all.
Thank you William and Kate for allowing us to believe in fairy tales… please live happily ever after!