My house was full of oak (thanks to the 1980’s ‘oak package’):

A couple of years ago I painted all of the baseboards out. I had a color consultant come in and she recommended Dufferin Terrace (CC-456) for the walls and Gray Mist (CC-80) for the baseboards, etc. The colors are great together and worked well with all of the oak that still remained in my house (which was a lot… blurg…)
The thing is… I’m tired of the taupe-y greigey oaky feel of my house. So I decided to just go for it, and paint everything white (all oak included, obvs.)
I want this:

1,2,3 via Dabble Magazine 4,5 via House & Home
Here’s where it gets muddled up:
I tried Gray Mist (CC-80) on the foyer paneling, and it was way to dull and murky. At the moment I have Oxford White (CC-30) on my foyer paneling. It’s better, but not perfect (a bit too cool because the space doesn’t get much light.) I have Vanilla Milkshake (OC-59) on my family room paneling. I like it, but don’t LOVE it. I don’t want to go as cool as Decorators White (CC-20). And for some reason I have this opinion that Cloud White (CC-40) is unoriginal (but I still might end up choosing it.) I was thinking of Swiss Coffee (OC-60) for my walls.
So… does anyone have a favourite white? Something foolproof?