I know… disgusting, right??? I wish I could blame this one on the kids, but I hadn’t even let them get anywhere
near the new slipcover yet… this one was all me.
(Why am I even admitting this???) Yep, that horrifying brown stain was the result of me eating a handful of chocolate chips while watching Bachelorette. All of a sudden I looked down, and there was chocolate
melted ALL OVER MY ARM plus the back cushion of the couch!!! Seriously??? Who does that???
Just wait. The story gets better. Instead of rinsing the cover right away like I should have, I did what any immature individual would do, and
hid it! Yep, I actually hid it from Jeff because I didn’t want to explain it (or deal with cleaning it up) until morning. Brilliant, I know.
Fast forward to the next morning…
I scraped off what I could and threw it in the washing machine. When it came out, there was still a mark. Ack!!! Panic!!! I took it to the kitchen sink, and scrubbed it with this (my favourite Method dish soap):

I threw it in the washing machine a second time. When it came out, the stain was
almost completely gone. Like, you have to look really close and know exactly where it was to find it. Good enough for me.
Fast forward to yesterday…
This time it
was the kids, and there were 4 of them, so it was on almost
every cushion. Fortunately, I had the
Method down this time
(hahahaha… get it? Method? like the soap?) So I scrubbed them immediately with the dish soap and threw them in the washing machine and they came out PERFECT!!! No left over stain AT ALL!!! SUCCESS!

The only issue now is that I don’t love doing laundry so much that I want to wash these things every day. So I’m on the hunt for something somewhat stylish to throw over them during the day. Ugh. Subject for a future post, I guess.