Rainy Day Randoms

1.  It’s POURING today, which reminds me that I need a trench coat.  Never got around to buying one this spring, so I definitely need one for the fall.  I want this one:
It popped up in my email from bluefly today… and bluefly is just so darn PERSISTENT with their reminders, discounts, etc. I might just have to get it.  The main issue is… why am I thinking about fall clothing already… I should be focusing on summer while it lasts!  ie… another maxi dress. 

2.  I’m all caught up in trashy shows right now… is anyone else?
Love in the Wild… the perfect combo of desperate girls and douchy guys:
Big Brother… always a summer must for me, and they brought back some of my all-time faves (ie… Jeff):

Bachelorette… I can’t stand it, yet I can’t stop watching it.  I’m basically just putting in time until Bachelor Pad starts.

3.  Do I need a vintage suzani or two to throw over my white slipcovered sofas???  This is The Parker Palm Springs ala Jonathan Adler
Parker Palm Springs eclectic