Woohoo!!! It’s September! You know what? I kind of hate August. My thoughts in August range from the panicky ‘summer’s almost over so we better really enjoy it’ to the impatient ‘can’t wait for fall to get here.’ The last couple of weeks have mainly been the latter.
I consider September 1st to be the start of fall, so… yay!
I decided with the new season, I was ready for a new project, so I’ve instigated…
Actually I’ve been on this kick for most of the summer. I realized that I needed to get conscious about what I was slathering onto my skin and hair every day, so I started to do some research and found the EWG (Environmental Working Group) Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. The Skin Deep Database is an online safety guide for cosmetics and personal care products.
I always thought that if I could go out and buy a product at a cosmetics department, then it must be safe. WRONG!!! There is a much better and more thorough explanation on the Skin Deep website, but basically, cosmetics companies can put almost anything into their products without government review or approval! Crazy! I tend to get quite passionate about these kinds of topics, and I don’t want to go on a big rant, but you should definitely check out the Skin Deep website. It’s fascinating! You’ll be surprised.
So, back to my experiment. I got excited about finding safe and natural cosmetics alternatives, so I kind of went all in (as I tend to do.) Here are some of the products that I’ve switched out already:
- deodorant
- facial sunscreen / moisturizer
- facial cleanser
- make-up remover
- all-over sunscreen
- shampoo
- shower gel
- hair color
- toothpaste
I’ll give you the details as I go. Maybe a weekly update? We’ll see how it goes. Some switches were pretty exciting and will be fun to write about. (Like, the henna hair dye? Pretty darn exciting!) But that’s an update for another week.
This week, I wanted to start with an easy one: olive oil makeup remover.
It’s good for the sensitive skin around your eyes, nourishes your eyelashes, and works way better than the ‘shake-up-emulsion’ type of makeup remover I was using before. And no, it doesn’t get in your eyes. I just bought an 8oz bottle of EVOO at the grocery store, and wipe it on with a little round cotton pad.
If you aren’t convinced, check out this video! No… it’s not me in the video… I just found it on Pinterest via YouTube. Click on the image to see the video.
Source: youtube.com via Carissa on Pinterest
Happy Fall everyone!
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