OK… so here’s what happened…

I intended to take a few days off of blogging to finish up my kitchen cabinets and get ready for our family vacation.  That was at the end of March!  A week turned into two weeks, and now it’s been almost a whole month!  Some kind of weird inertia took over, and I just couldn’t get started again.  (On anything.  You should see the state of my house.  Yikes.)  Anyways… hello blog friends!  I’ll be around to visit soon!

Here’s what I’ve been up to over the past month…

Family Vacation:


Our whole family went to Disney World!  That’s Jeff, my Mom & Dad, and my sister and her husband, and our 4 boys.  And yes, we wore matching shirts the whole time so that we could find each other in the crowds.  (In spite of the nerd factor, I’d totally recommend it!)  See how easy it is to spot us in the ‘flash mob’???  Bahahaha!


Anyways, the vacation was fabulous!  We all loved it. 

As for kitchen progress, well, this happened:


I drilled holes in the wrong spot for two of the pantry doors.  Grrrrr.  THAT totally sucked my energy.  So I have to fill holes, and do paint touch ups.  But it is great to have the doors back up!  Here’s the pantry.  I love the gold knobs. 


More on this another day.  It’s beautiful outside, and my little one is ready to go for a bicycle ride!

Hope you are having a great Monday!