Big news around here! After about two years of thinking about turning my design hobby into a legit business, it’s actually happening! I’ve teamed up with my friend Marilena, who is an architect and loves interior design. We’ll do the official intro’s in another post, but as you can probably guess, she’s fabulous!
(Carissa on left, Marilena on right)
Speaking of Fabulous… I took a design course last year, and it cautioned against using words like ‘Fabulous’ in business names because it might alienate potential clients. Huh??? Marilena and I agreed that if anyone is not ok with Fabulous, then we definitely want to alienate them because #1 – they probably suck and #2 – they probably won’t like us anyways!
So the official business name is:
We’ve been working hard on the branding, portfolio, website, and social media stuff, and the official launch is set for September. (We spend a disproportionate amount of time talking about our launch party!) For now, we thought it might be fun to start documenting our business adventures on the blog.
If want all of the details, you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest too!
photo by Cynthia Hernandez