So I started to do a minor ceiling repair this morning in my kitchen. We needed to patch the area left by the old fluorescent light. It turned into me scraping a little bit more, and a little bit more. Until it was apparent that I was going to do the Whole. Freaking. Ceiling.
Ohmygoodness. What did I get myself into!?! The ceiling in my house has no starting and stopping point. Every single room is connected. So now I’m committed to doing the whole main floor.
Scraping the ceiling is something I’ve always wanted to do, but thought it would be prohibitively difficult. Turns out that, nope… it isn’t. With a little bit of water, the stuff pretty much just slides right off. But the mess! The MESS!!! That white dusty residue is everywhere. Seriously. Like piles of it.
If anyone is considering scraping off their popcorn ceiling, I’d say totally go for it! I’m already amazed by how much brighter and taller my ceilings seem!
I’d recommend using one of these sprayers to make the job go way quicker. (You can get them at the dollar store for $2.) You pump it up, then it sprays continuously to soak a big area. Then the popcorn stuff just falls away when you scrape it with drywall trowel. Easy!
In the picture on the right, you can see the line where a small section of the ceiling has been scraped. Can you even believe how much whiter it looks than the popcorn part? Craziness! If you can handle the mess, the result is SO worth it!