Call me crazy

It's the long weekend.  The weather is beautiful.  Jeff and the boys are at the lake.  Me... I'm at home enjoying two full days of uninterrupted painting!  So far I've done 5 doors on my main floor, stained both levels of our deck, and am currently working on priming the stairway spindles.

You might wonder why I would choose painting over time at the beach on a beautiful day.  I find painting very relaxing.  I find the beach super stressful.  Last time I went I had a full-blown panic attack because there were so many scary swoopy seagulls.  Seriously, how could I possibly enjoy relaxing on the beach with a million seagulls swarming over my beach blanket searching for french fries.  Maybe if food on the beach was outlawed, I could handle it better.

photo from webshots

All I can say is gross.  I'll choose painting any day.