I've missed 9 days of the Apartment Therapy Fall Cure! BLURG!!! So typical of me. I've been waiting and waiting for the Fall Cure to start, and somehow I missed it! I totally got thrown off by the new name "20/20 Home Cure." But I am excited about the 20/20 concept... "In only 20 minutes a day for 20 days we're all going to make our homes beautiful, organized and healthy." Sounds good to me!
Ironically, I had decided to take things into my own hands and just do the cure on my own, so I started re-reading the book this week.

It's a great read. Although I have to admit that I read it more like a novel and didn't exactly put any of the advice into practice the first time around. I'm sure I'll do better this time!
Looking forward to a busy weekend of running around like a crazy person trying to fit 9 days of cure-ing into 3! Anyone else doing the 20/20 Home Cure?