Inspiration Board - Mom and Dad's Living Room

Mom and Dad's renovation is starting to take shape!  The kitchen is in (and is fabulous) and the flooring is on it's way.  Time to shop!

The living room is going to be pretty and sophisticated with touch of glam.  This room will NOT have a tv, and will NOT be lounge-y.  That's what the family room is for.  The living room will be a space for great conversation over a pre-dinner cocktail.  Or maybe a place for the girls to sip some  tea  wine while the kids and men watch hockey in the family room.

We're going with creamy whites, accents in citron, punchy pillows, and a few touches of gold.
Here's the plan:

1- room by Palmer Wiess in October/November Lonny
2&3 - cushions by Elegant Touch
4 - Candice Olsen area rug through Hellenic Outlet
5&6 - Decor-Rest
7 - room by Samantha Farjo in Style at Home