Blogging Quick Tip: Replying to Comments

I'm laughing at myself right now for deciding that I'm qualified enough to offer 'tips' on blogging... but I do love nerdy tech stuff, so here we go!
I put on my glasses so that I'd look smarter!  (hahaha!)

The topic for today is Comments.  I love the little conversations that result from comments on posts.  It's one of the best parts of blogging.  It's how you get to 'know' other bloggers, and it's super fun to have little conversations through the comments section.  However... there seem to be two schools of thought on how to do it:

  1. Reply by commenting back on your own post.  This works well if the commenter checks back to see if you replied or 'subscribes to comments.'  
  2. Reply by email.  I have my blogger account set to send comments to my gmail account, and I always thought that if I replied to the email, the commenter would receive my reply.  Apparently, that isn't always true!!!  Thanks to Anna's post today at Lona de Anna, for pointing this out!  It only works if the commenter 'shows' their email address on their own blogger account!  
A Question For You:  How do you prefer to get replies to your comments?  A comment on the same post, or a direct email???  Please leave a comment to let me know!!!

Here are the tips:
  • To find out whether the commenter will receive your email reply, check to see what their reply email address is (in gmail you can hover over their name)... if it says '' your reply is going nowhere!!!
  • If you want to be able to engage in comment conversations through email, simply follow these steps to allow other bloggers to reply to you directly:
    1. Go to your Blogger dashboard
    2. Click on 'Edit Profile'... it's on the top left corner under your photo
    3. Check the 'Show my email address' box under the Privacy settings
Note:  I use blogger, so I'm not sure how wordpress or any of the other platforms handle this issue!

Another Note:  I've noticed that quite a few of the bloggers that I follow have started using disqus to handle comments.  I'm going to look into it right now, and I'll share what I find on my next Blogging Quick Tip post!