So... I've been a little slack with the blog posts this week. My excuse is that my home has been completely taken over by boys. It's the week-long February break from school, so I'm looking after my own 2 boys, my sisters 2 boys, and my friend's baby boy! I'm outnumbered. It was kind of ironically fitting when CSN Stores offered up a giveaway featuring outdoor playsets today!
My first thought was, "OMG... if ONLY I could send the boys outside right now!!!" Is anyone else feeling this way right now? The weather networks says that it 'feels like -30 degrees' outside. ICK. I am so ready for spring. This is how happy I'm going to be when the snow finally melts:
Jumpking Trampoline $349.99
So here's the deal. CSN stores will give the winner a $40 Gift Certificate to use on an item of the winner's choice. CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find anything you need whether it be outdoor playsets, fabulous home decor items, or even cute cookware! Here are some warm-weather items that caught my eye today:
How about this super cute sandbox? Hours of fun for the little ones... and it comes with a cover so that the neighbor's cat can't crap in the sand. (Don't even get me started on that situation...)
Step2 Crabbie Sandbox $69.99
I know that my boys are super excited to get their bikes out. I would highly recommend a training bike like this one. My boys both have something similar, and it is AMAZING how quickly they find their balance... no need for training wheels!
Smart Gear Classic Wooden Training Bike $74.99
But then again, maybe you have a little girl in your house, and you want her to have a more stylish looking ride. You should totally go for this one:
Schwinn Roadster Tricycle in Pink $69.99
- To enter the giveaway, sipmply be a follower and leave a comment on this post
- Tweet or facebook it for an extra entry (and leave an additional comment)
- I'll make the draw on Monday Feb. 28th (to celebrate the fact that the kids are back in school... hahaha... just kidding of course...)