This is the start of the final week. By now I should have ‘surface cleaned’ 3 rooms. This is the worst part of the cure (obvs). It is supposed to take 20 minutes, and it takes me WAY longer than that to clean all of the surfaces in any given room of my home. So I hate surface clean day. However, I have managed to do major clean-up efforts in the two worst rooms of my house: the storage room (we can now walk in there) and the mud room (again, we can now walk in there.)
By far the BEST part of the Cure is the flower buying days. It’s the one Cure task that I definitely don’t skip. Jackie and my sister totally called me out on this one. Jackie commented to Care that my house was probably super clean because of the Cure, and Care replied that she wasn’t sure about that, but that she knew I would have fresh flowers. Busted.
I have to admit, some of the assigned tasks are just not going to happen around here… um, media-fast day? Just no.
Anyways… here’s to the start of the final week! I’m off to find a (small) room to surface clean!