I swear I would trade houses with this girl. I love her style. Check out her house tour on Houzz. Shannon takes great photos, has a fabulous vintage pyrex collection, and just had a baby boy! Go visit her at 8 Foot 6!
Second, thank you to Lisa of Lisa Goulet Design:
Lisa is an interior decorator in Ottawa (did I ever mention that I lived there briefly?) I just found out that Lisa has 4 kids, and three of them are TRIPLETTS!!! Cool! Go check out the Lisa Goulet Design blog… my favourite series is Iconic Mondays… you’ll love it too!
OK. I’m supposed to share 7 things about myself. I’ll try to pick things that you might not know already:
1. I have a major bird phobia. Anything that has feathers and flutters scares the crap out of me. This picture is WAY beyond freaky. Eeeek.
2. Not once, but TWICE, I’ve gotten a Kit Kat Chunky with no wafers in the middle! Yep, solid chocolate! Best. Day. Ever. x2.
3. My favourite colour is red.
4. I just bought a mini-trampoline, and I’ve been re-bounding every day… it’s crazy fun. I bet I look this good while exercising on it (bahahaha):
5. I’m the worst speller ever.
6. I’m super addicted to Pinterest. (Follow me!) The most exciting moment of last week was when Emily Henderson started following my Trends board! Seriously. So cool. I idolize Emily Henderson.
7. I’m officially a Hockey Mom!!! (Do I sound a bit excited about it? I am.) Here’s my little superstar: