I am determined to get to the end of the List of 100 Things That Make Me Happy.  I started it over a year ago, and it’s become one of those things that I feel like I might never finish.  This year I want to finish more projects.  So in that spirit, I’m going to quit over-thinking it and just blast out the last 30 items (30???  really?  I still have 30 items to go?) yikes.  Here we go:

DSCN1670 Tumblr_lubpo5hi281qa6db8o1_500_largeVintage Rotary Phone

1275685180nothingdone darryl-carter-moon.jpghicks-hexagon-wallpaper

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71. decor mags   72. red lips (via)   73. rotary phones (via)

74. bluntcards (via)   75. the perfect white paint (via)   76. hicks hexagon (via)

77. baking   78. a great bag (via)   79. running (via)

Chevron Multicolour - large printDSCN4491 DSCN4895

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I'm gonna try!Pinned ImagePinned Image

80. art (via)   81. snow   82. hockey

83. avocado (via)   84. butterflies (via)   85. diy projects

86. decorating (via)   87. black & white rooms (via)   88. cute shoes (via)

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Pinned Image a suzani! Hicks 383

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89. funny books (via)   90. fabulous lighting (via)   91. gallery walls

92. vintage pyrex (via)   93. vintage suzanis (via)   94. red (via

95. seventies style (via)   96. glammed up kitchens (via)   97. stripes (via)

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98. 99. & 100.  my guys