YIKES. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You should see Beckett’s room. Ugh.
Here’s my plan.
#1. Sort it chronologically (if that’s even possible at this point.) I try to label things with the date as they come home, but I’ve missed some.
#2. Scan the art projects (photograph the bulky ones) to make into a book. I think that will make nicer keepsake than the hockey-skate-box-bursting-at-the-seams situation that we currently have.
#3. Organize a file box for each kid to keep the writing and other non-art work. I’m going to limit myself to one file box per kid. That’s one folder per year, not one box per year.
#4. Come up with a new system where we only keep the really special stuff. Just haven’t figured out what that system is yet.
#5. Make a display area in each of their rooms for the stuff they are proud of.
So that’s what I’m up to today. Sorting, tossing, photographing, scanning. I wish I hadn’t put this job off for so long. It’s kind of fun, but seems never-ending at this point.
If anyone has any fabulous ideas for organizing this type of stuff, please fill me in!!!