10 Years


10 years ago today, Jeff and I celebrated our wedding at 3rd Avenue United Church in Saskatoon.

3rd Avenue United Church is a Saskatoon landmark.  This beautiful 100 year old building seats 1100 people, and the acoustics are the best in town… but it’s in a bit of financial trouble!  I’d hate to see the church demolished and replaced with an office building or condos… ugh!

The Friends of Third Avenue is a group of Saskatoon citizens working to protect the future of Third Avenue United Church and to support the Third Avenue Centre so that the building can be used as a premier downtown concert hall for Saskatoon.  See their blog and facebook page for more information.  A series of benefit concerts is planned for every Thursday of the summer.  Tickets can be purchased at Persephone Theatre.

On that note… I’m off to enjoy my anniversary day with Jeff!  He has the day off!  Yay!