Brace yourselves, people. This isn’t a ‘pretty pictures’ post. I’m giving you a glimpse into my basement.
It’s a huge open room famous for it’s bright red switch plate covers and dark red carpet:
There is, of course, an abundance of oak (my nemesis)… even on the ceiling! I should also mention that the kids have free run of this room. This is where all of the big toys are kept, and where the kids play indoor hockey, basketball, baseball, golf, etc. There is no organization. It’s total chaos. So prepare yourself. Here are the ‘before’ shots:
Jeff has been wanting to fix up this part of our house for ages, and I finally gave in agreed. I spent the weekend patching floor hockey holes…
… and painting! I am always AMAZED at what a difference paint makes. I painted out every piece of oak. It's now all fresh and white. I can’t believe how much changing that one detail just opened the room right up! It feels so much lighter and bigger. Such an improvement.
I don’t think the pictures really convey how amazing the transformation is. In real life it’s quite shocking. Here’s a side-by-side:
I’m working on painting the walls this week, and new carpet will be installed early next week. We will probably install a few more pot lights. And I’m thinking I also need to do something about those toys. Anyone have an awesome toy organizing solution that I should know about?
For now, it feels great to make so much progress over the weekend. I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner!