
I know that this is the second “look at my amazing flowers” post this week.  Whatevs.  The boys and I had a colossal melt-down last night. (I had to put in the desperate call to my Mom & Dad to help me get the kids to bed!!!  Thank GOODNESS they live so close.)

Anyways, one of the best things about my ‘80’s house is the perennial garden in the yard.  Look at this gorgeousness… it totally cheered me up this morning:

**** UPDATE (10:36 am) ****

… while I was in my office posting this…

… luckily we have a ton of blossoms this year!

…and yes, it’s 10:36am, and those are still his jammies.  He’s been known to wear them all day.

**** UPDATE (11:20 am) ****

Those little blue scissors just snipped off a chunk of my hair!!!  While I was bent over cleaning juice off the floor.  Oh well, he’s probably almost as qualified as I am to cut my hair.  Thankfully, I’m scheduled for a proper hair cut tomorrow!  Yay!