Behind the Scenes– #FabulousBS

As you may have noticed over the past few weeks, the blog has been transitioning from being my personal online journal to being our official business blog.  That being said, we didn’t want to eliminate the personal journal type of posts.  So we decided it would be fun to start a ‘behind the scenes’ series, which we have cleverly dubbed ‘Fabulous BS’.   

For the first instalment, I thought we’d give you a glimpse into what our day to day ‘businessing’ looks like.  I think there are some people {husbands} that are still unsure about what we really do when we’re ‘at work’. 

At first, we spent a disproportionate amount of time planning and setting up all of our branding materials.  But it was super fun, and we’re really glad we had it all sorted out before we got too busy to do it!  I should actually devote a whole post to the long story behind our business name… maybe next week.

On an average day, we often meet at our ‘office’ -the Starbucks close to M’s house.  Which I have to say was awesome… until I stopped drinking coffee!!!  Seriously.  Who does that.  Stops drinking coffee.  Not drinking coffee really sucks.  Ordering tea at Starbucks is just not the same.  But enough about that.    

We have a favourite table tucked in a corner by the window where we can spread out our computers, sketch pads etc.  


Now that we have a full list of clients we do a lot of sourcing / shopping.  We’re getting to know the local suppliers for lighting, flooring, countertops, furniture, etc… but that deserves a whole post on its own.  Lots of stories about that.  We make sure we know what kinds of treasures are at stores like Homesense too:

So far, my favourite part of the job is the client meetings where we present ‘the plan’.  A ton of client interaction happens before this point to work out likes/dislikes/wants/needs for each project.  It’s really fun to lay out all of the pieces and see how it works together!


Once plans areapproved and work starts happening, we enjoy popping in to see the fabulousness in progress!  This bathroom turned out amazing!  Before/afters coming soon!

That pretty much sums up our ‘work days’.   We have a lot of fun… it really doesn’t seem like work!  Oh yeah… we also spend way more time than we should trying to get the right angle on our instagram selfies to avoid double chins.

Check out #fabulousBS on instagram to keep up on our day to day adventures!