20/20 Cure - All Done!!!

I finished the Apartment Therapy 20/20 Fall Cure last week.  I was on the "accelerated program" because I started two weeks late I'm an overachiever.  I didn't accomplish quite as much as my first week, mostly due to the fact that I had a stupid rotten cold all week and I felt like crap.  That's my excuse for only getting around to posting this today too!  Oh well, here's the update:  

7. Buy flowers & sit for 10 minutes

8. Establish a landing strip
Is it just me, or does this sound like a 'personal grooming' task???
Just kidding... this is actually a place to drop your stuff when you walk in the door.  I ended up moving my purse wall so that I could have a place for a chair and mirror.  Looks much better:

11. Floor and surface clean 1 room
Ensuite.  I can't believe how much old make-up was lurking around in there!  Got rid of all of it.  
12. Buy flowers
... because I was feeling Christmasy...

16. Floor and surface clean 1 room
Master Bedroom.  It is no longer the dumping ground for stuff we don't know what to do with.  EVERY surface is clear!  

17. Buy flowers
... because I already bought two sets of flowers this week (and I love the color of these pomegranates) ...

18. Declutter medicine cabinet
A good thing to do occasionally, and relevant because of my cold, I guess.  Shocked by all of the sticky Children's Tylenol/Advil cups that we had been saving in there!  Yuck.  

19. Hang artwork
I finally made an art/photo wall... I have one last piece to add to it before I can post a photo!  Stay tuned...

20. Empty outbox
Done.  Yay!  I'm glad to get rid of that stuff after looking at it for two weeks.

21. Graduation 
And... I'm done!  At first I thought the 20/20 concept was going to make the Cure a little too easy, but I'm actually amazed by the results!  A little effort goes a long way.  It got me moving on projects and cleaning tasks that I had been thinking about, but hadn't started.   My house is looking fab.  My husband thinks I am turning into a bit of a domestic goddess.  Mission accomplished.