I officially started the 20/20 Cure last weekend (two weeks after everyone else... oh well... better late than never!) Here's everything I accomplished this week:
1. Floor and Surface Clean 1 Room
Saturday, Oct. 30th, 2010: Kitchen. Wow! This was more like a deep clean. Took apart the stove to clean the window on the door, moved the fridge and stove to wash floors, cleaned the blinds and window screen, vacuumed the chalk board. Every surface is now clean. Whew!!! Big job!
2. Buy flowers
Tuesday, November 2, 2010: This is by far the best part about doing the cure. Fresh flowers just add. Kitchen table is so much more cheerful!
3. Find inspirational photos
Done. The whole point of this blog.
4. Remove 1 item and setup outbox
Packed up a huge box of coats, hats, mits, shoes, etc. into an 'outbox'. I'll probably give them all away. It's getting cold here and there are a ton of people in this city who need them more than we do. Decided to give away my old back door bench and replace with a small chair.
5. Buy or replace eco cleaner
Got it covered. I love my Method cleaning products.
6. Floor and surface clean 1 room
November 1, 2010: Mudroom. Cleaned every surface. Moved washer and dryer to vacuum up major dust bunnies. Of course, the dryer hose unattached itself in the process so now we are venting directly into our house. Blurg. Luckily my Dad lives close by and can fix pretty much anything!
9. Find a new recipe and cook tonight
Saturday, October 30th: Mmmmm.... butternut sqush and white bean stew from the Sweet Paul magazine... I 'veganized' it by using veggie broth and veggie bacon (even yummier).
photo via Sweet Paul
10. Make list of top 6 home needs
- replace water dispenser in fridge
- new vacuum hose
- chair for mudroom
- mirror for mudroom
- hooks for kids coats in mudroom
- closet organization system for our walk-in closet
13. Declutter books or media
Packed up two boxes of books from my bookshelf to give away. Also packed up kids books (that was harder... I am so attached to all of the baby stuff.)
14. Media Fast
OK... so I wasn't so successful with this one! I keep finding awesome blogs that I didn't know about, and I feel like I have to 'catch up' so I'm reading them from the start like a novel. I know. I'm kind of a freak. I'll try the media fast again next week.
15. Fix one thing in your house yourself
Saturday, October 30th: De-clogged en-suite sink. This task was way over rated. I'm not cut out to be a plumber. It took forever and I got gross gunk all over myself because I lost the drain-stopper-thing down in this pipe and had to dis-assemble the whole thing. Then had to figure out how it all went back together. (Logan - you should move to Saskatoon!!! You probably don't read this... oh well...) On the good side, our sink works again. All in all it was a very productive week for me! YAY! It's fun having a clean kitchen and mudroom. Still a lot of work to be done... I'll update again next Friday!