More on the kilim situation

Hahaha… yesterday’s post title was SO unclear!  Because really?  Jeff has no idea what a Turkish kilim looks like, and I’ve been talking about them incessantly lately.  I felt like he needed some visuals, which was the whole point of yesterday’s post.  What I really should have titled the post was something more like:  “Hey Jeff… THIS Is What a Turkish Kilim Looks Like”.

I think that the right kilim would add a perfect punch of color and texture to my very neutral surroundings. And I think Jeff is actually on board!  I just need to narrow down exactly what I’m looking for. 

Do I want stripy?

… Or diamondy?

Do I want bold & bright (like the first two?) … or more muted (like the following):

There are tons of these on ebay, so I know I’ll find the perfect one eventually.  Just need to figure out what I’m searching for!  Thoughts, anyone?