Upcycling: My hand painted chevron rug

I'm so excited!  I finished another project and it turned out shockingly awesome!  I had a nasty old area rug that was a relic from my beige phase.  It was literally scheduled for a trip to the dump as soon as possible, but then I saw this post over at Leaf House.  So I decided that my old beige rug was a perfect candidate for an upcycling1 project.

Here's the look I was going for (this fabulous room is by Tamara Styles of Get it Girl Style):

Here's how mine turned out:

Not bad for a few hours of work!  Now I need to get busy accessorizing this room!

I'll post the DIY Details tomorrow.

1.  My Definition:  Upcycling is taking something that is old/ugly/junky/disposable and transforming it into something of greater beauty and value.