HomeSave Giveaway: Last Chance to Enter... plus my weekend reading assignment

Make sure you enter the HomeSave giveaway!  I'll make the draw later today... you don't want to miss out on your chance at a $65 credit... if it was mine I'd put it towards this:
Also... with all the buzz about fashion week around blogland this week, I've been taking a serious look at my own wardrobe.  It's BAD.  I think I've probably mentioned that my kids have this thing for only wanting to wear 'soft' clothes???  I realized the other day that, ironically, you would think I have the same rule!  I've been living in yoga pants, my favorite lulu lemon sweat pants, and if I want to get dressed up, I break out the jeggings!  OMG.

I think I need to do a clean sweep and start fresh.  So I'm doing some research first (there's still a trace of nerdy engineer in me.)  Went to the library and checked out every fashion book that I could find.  Here's what's on my bookshelf for the weekend:

If you have a favorite fashion book that I should check out, leave me a comment.  Or how about a fashion blog that I need to know about???  Fill me in... PLEASE!!!  I need all the help I can get!