Our Christmas Tree

Last year, I came to the realization that I wasn’t going to have much control over how our tree turns out for the next few years.  As long as my boys are excited to help me decorate the tree, the ornaments are all going to be clumped around the bottom of the tree, and we’re probably going to be using all kinds of clashing colors!  But we love it that way. 

This year we added some thick silver tinsel.  We had a Mad Men themed Christmas party last weekend (more on that tomorrow), so I really wanted one of those silver aluminum trees from the ‘60’s, but that didn’t happen.  The silver tinsel was as close as I could get.  It definitely adds an element to the tree this year!  I also added the black & white striped tree skirt because I wanted something to connect the tree to the rest of my decor. 

We also have three little trees in our foyer that the boys decorated on their own.  Another explosion of color. 

Now I need to get at the shopping so that we can put some presents under the tree!

I’m linking up to:

Honey We’re Home: