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Whew!!!  Kids are off to school… I’m sitting here in my work-out clothes trying to convince myself to hit the elliptical trainer in the basement.  Ugh. 

But first I thought I’d share some photos from our Stella & Dot party last week… Cristin sent me these cool photos… I love hipstamatic!

That’s me and my sister.  (I bought that necklace!!!):

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Me and Sacha and Lynelle checking out all of the fun jewellery… I love Stella & Dot!

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Cynthia trying on a cool necklace…

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The super-pretty pink champagne cake (it really tasted like champagne!!!)

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A couple cool shots of my house!

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Have a great Monday, everyone!

*** Update! I just noticed that the Apartment Therapy 2011 Fall Cure is starting today!  Is anyone else up for the challenge?  I did it last year and accomplished A LOT!  Think I might do it again… ***