So Canadian, Eh?

Today I’m over at one of my favourite blogs, Hodge:Podge, taking part in Barbara’s fabulous interview series:

I look forward to reading about fellow Canadian bloggers and designers at Hodge:Podge every Sunday, and am super excited that Barbara included me!  Hop over and read my interview here

While you are there, stick around and see why Hodge:Podge is one of my favourite blogs…

This lady has serious DIY skills!  She’s tackled a bunch of projects that I’m dying to try…

Like this gorgeous tufted headboard:

The silver-leafed rast hack:

Or how about this amazing chair!!!

Want to learn how to sew an invisible zipper?  Ask Barbara…

See what I mean?  So much great project inspiration!

Thanks so much for inviting me over to your blog today Barbara!  I had fun answering your questions, and totally drove Jeff crazy trying to ‘discuss’ my answers with him!!!