2011 Design Resolutions

1. Appreciate what I've got.
Instead of being paralyzed by the fact that I'm not starting with a blank canvas, I'm going to find a way to make my home beautiful by working with what I've got. This means appreciating my 1980's floor plan for what it is, and working with it. Appreciating the comfort of our two old sofas and working with them. Get the picture? Like Tim Gunn says, I'm simply going to "make it work."

2. Use color.
I'm always drawn to black and white and grey. I'm phasing out beige, but I'm still ok with greige. I'd like to add at least one well-placed splash of honeysuckle pink. Plus some other colors... I'm thinking orange and turquoise.
3. Focus.
I like to start things. I dive in with a ton of enthusiasm and energy. But finishing the projects that I start can be a challenge. I'm going into the new year with a plan. I think I'll set a few design goals per month and make sure I accomplish them. Sounds easy, right? I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

4. Build an awesome inspiration file.
A "Fabulous Design File" perhaps? When I started this blog, I intended it to be a place to organize all of my bits and pieces of inspiration. I ended up blogging more about my own personal projects. In 2011 I'm going to organize and improve the inspiration file.

5. Be Me.
Let my personal style evolve. Trust my instincts. Stop overanalyzing and comparing.

Here's to a new year filled with fabulous design!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad